Sunday 24 August 2008


This is excise for our girls! They love it!

Dust bath

Well with the spring clean, also come the clean dust bath. However, Penny and Margo were not impressed and decided to make their own!!

I'm afraid the pics aren't that clear, but think you can get the general idea!

Spring clean!!!

Well, as saturday is the only sunny day forcast for the bank holiday it was Spring clean day for the girls!!!

We took the cube apart as much as we could and washed it on the lawn with a power washer!!! Thank fully it didn't take too long. Although there was MUCH poo to deal with! We waited until Penny and Sweetie had laid, Penny is up to 45g now, she's such a good girl, and then when mad with a bucket! Coops was loving it as I think he secretly lurves chicken poop!

The girls took it all in their stride and Penny, Babette and Hazel had their normal chat on the high perch. they just love it up there!!!

Worried about Margo

Poor ol' Margo.... we are worried about her....... She hasn't laid since last week. She seem fine in herself, but I'm not sure... I've posted on the Omlet site for some advice, as I know it takes a while for them to get into the swing of things, but this does seem odd....

She has a few symptoms..... she scoffing ALOT, but they do eat more when they start laying, her comb is no longer bright red but pink, and she has poop like water! Not nice..... The concensus is that she may have worms.. I've already ordered some Flubenvet but am kicking myself that I didn't do it earlier as i'll have to wait until tuesday now....

Then we will have to work out how to give a minute amount to each hen on half a grape, and for seven days!!!!!!!!!!! Will be a military operation....... wish me luck!

Preparing for Lottie!

Well, as you know, Claire and Duke are going away for a well deserved holiday, and when this happens we return the doggie sitting favor and Lottie has a little holiday too!!! We always love having Lottie here as she is such a big personality it's like having a whole other person in the house!

However, this time we have the added complication of 6 flappy chooks in the garden..... Lottie being of the working variety will be beside herself!

We have already had a trial run, and it went brilliantly! We kept her on a lead and she was very quiet albeit very interested in them.... we had invested in a mega pump action waterpistol just in case but it wasn't needed! You could have knocked us down with a feather, as even when Benji came there was a degree of swarking and flapping.... and it's not pleasant to see. So we were on full alert!!!!

We are sure now that Claire and Duke think we were being over cautious for our new additions but it previously had not been a pretty sight! Regardless we are jubilant that things went well....

The plan was though to put a temporary fence around the cube and run to stop Coops and Lottie forming a pack and chasing them round and round. Plus the first weekend she is here I am home alone as Nick is at the farm for Janes birthday bash!!!

So the fence is up and looking good.... is not too visiable and will do a good job.... Nick toiled away and did it very quickly on our only sunny day!!!