Saturday 12 July 2008

It's complete!!!

The big build is complete!!!! Yay for us.... we are feeling very proud of ourselves... its looks great. We began after i'd come home from work... poor Nick had been digging up a stump in the front garden ALL morning.. I got home and he was up to his chest in a massive hole with an even more massive stump in front of him... it appears that the bugger will not be moved.. so we literally are stumped! Might have to ask the paving man if he can do something with his digger, so the hole is here to stay for a while...

After lunch we tottered off to the back garden and reinstated the big build...Once we got going it didn't take too long, it appeared that we'd done the worst of it yesterday with the leveling of the ground, so we literally had to snap it all together... there was no swearing, stamping or huffing as it was all very smooth.

We've made as much room around it as we can so that we can get to the nesting box for egg collection, and do that without wading through masses of mud. We had to chop a couple of mini trees down to make way for it, but that means we can see it a bit from the house which I quite like!

Nick made use of his new chain saw and lopped a massive branch off of our unwanted elder tree and fashioned it into a perch for them, they can also go over or under it!!!!

Just need to get a bit of trellis for a small piece of fence in case they want to try for the great escape over it!!!