Saturday 15 November 2008


Wellllllllllllllllll as we are not sure why Hazel is pecked and Bald we decided to cover the girls in Red Mite powder - not easy. The man suggest taking each hen dangling them upside down, the only struggle for 30seconds and sprinkle it everywhere! Like I'm gonna do that!!!!! So we picked each girlie up and sprinkle them as much as we could......

Next time we might try the pillow case technique, where you put them in, head out of course, then sprinkle and shake!!!

We have also sprayed them with Ukadex anti peck spray. Excellent idea if if didn't smell so foul!!! It took us days to recover!! Cilit bang wouldn't get it off my hands and the clothes went straight in the machine!

Coops went for his usual sniff of the feathered botty and got the shock of his life!!! Which would be really funny if his face didn't smell of the stuff now! He has had many washes and it's still REALLY bad!!!! lets hope it wears off soon...

Hazel though has a bit of regrowth and looks like she has a beard on her bum !

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