Saturday 2 August 2008

Day one

So they spent today mooching about. They did come out from under the cube and babette went straight for the food!!! They were happy to be pecking about and kicking our newly laid bedding everywhere..... We sprinkled some mixed corn around and about and man they mad for that!! They are very quiet, but maybe that's because they were in shock after their long journey......

We spent the day marching up and down the garden wearing a hole in the newly recovered lawn, and they were pretty non plused, but fingers crossed they become more people friendly......

As the day came to an end, we were thinking 'How will they know when to go to bed?' 'Will they know what to do?' We've spent many an hour on the Omlet forum reading about people having to do all sorts to get their girls to bed including putting a torch in it went it's getting dark to 'show them the way', if it's the only light they can see the tend to go towards it...... others have had to physically put their girl into the cube for a few days... plus theres always the quandry of 'can they get up the ladder' which you know doesn't reach the floor.... not sure why, maybe it's to put FoxyLoxy off.....

At 8.30 we began another back and forward regieme up and down......... At about 9.00 Margo made leap onto the ladder, and the fell straight off again!!! But soon made another attempt, and this time made it into the cube... had a little walk about and then came out again.... so we came away.......

Five minutes later we went up there again and 2 were in the cube!! With another one on the ladder, so we came away again!!!!!!!

At 9.10 we went up there and they we nearly done one on the ladder another one patiently waiting.... then she made her way up... what clever girls they are!!!

We zipped the door shut and listened to them scrabbling about for a few mins and left them to it..... We did check back before we went to bed and SILENCE!!!!! Phew!!!!

Cant wait for day two!

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