Sunday 3 August 2008

Coopers great home coming!!!

So the time came on saturday to go and collect Cooper from Claires where he'd been having a luxurious holiday! We could have left it until sunday, but in for a penny, in for a pound!

He already knew that something was going on, because the odd construction that had been occuring in his garden.... so we explained to him that he had some new playmates in the garden at home waiting for him and that they were all going to get on famously....... It was obvious however, that he was not listening as he hates the car and clearly had his paws in his ears with his head pointing the other way!!!!

We parked in the hole in the back and let him out and he scampered up the steps to make his way in, when he stopped dead! There was something in the house!!!! Man he flew over there like a rocket - the girls unfortunately were not ready to recieve visitors and went completely mad, which threw Coops into a flurry which made them squeak and fly back and forward up and down the run, bumping into the perches and sides, feathers everywhere... mess......

We got coops to make a sharpe exit, and those of you who know him know the only way to do that is pick him up and run for the house! the girls settled immediately, but there was a bit of blood on some beaks from too much bashing occuring.

Coops then became a soldier at his post by the back door! We decided on approach number two.... we took him up there on a lead, much crying from him, and a small amount of clucking from them.......

Approach number three was to put him on his garden spike attached to his long lead and let him run about! The girls were fine with this, coops however was very frustrated!

We retired in doors... what to do???? We decided to go on the offensive with the water pistols which we got to stop the girls pecking at eachother, so why not use it on the dog???

Off we went back up there with coops on a lead and a fully loaded water pistol..... after many squirts and surprised looks he did eventually settled down... so we retired back in for a conference and much research on fencing!!!

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