Wednesday 2 July 2008

Hen party

Go on, laugh your heads off!!!!! But a Hen party it is..... all organised by omlet of course to learn how to look after your chooks!

Off we went on a mystery tour to the depths of Rettendon to the lovely Kathryns house..... massive garden... jealous not.. and at least 10 hens, 2 cubes, an eglu and built in run.......... now feeling very inadequate!!!

Honestly though we had a great time.....learn what to feed them, how to clean them, what their 'vent' does! Yukk is a gapping pulsing tunnel looking thing which is multi-purpose for egging, pooing and weeing!!!! Bit of a shock I can tell you!

However a very pleasant 2 hrs it was, 8 prospective parents all staring at chickens wondering what we are going to let ourselves in for....... some obviously had done NO research we on the otherhand new most stuff so no great shocks - thankfully!

We did come away with a very nice Omlet reusable bag though!

1 comment:

Scribble said...

Yay for you! Yay for the chickens being brought up kindly and yay for the fresh breakfast egg.

I hope Coops does not have his nose put out of joint with Mummy spending all her time in the funny purple cube thing... xxxx