Tuesday 1 July 2008

The beginning!

It was a normal weekend here, bit rainy, bit sunny, we had been talking about getting a tortoise!!! There we were wandering around pets at home like complete saddos buying 'dog rocks' to try and stop Coops from killing the grass with EVERY early morning pee!!!

It appears there is not much info on tortoises out there, certainly nothing in the petshop. Lots of lovely bunnies though.....

While out walking the lovely coops, discussing the pros and cons of tortoise keeping there was a very quite 'bok' coming from the fence on the corner! 'Have they got chickens' ? We wondered????

Silence for the next week or so, and then while soliciting by his fence one day the man was in his garden.... 'do you have a chicken in there'? We asked..... 'Actually we have 6!!!' Blimey.... in we went for a look about, and there in the corner were 6 hens wandering about having a whale of a time!!! After much chin wagging we came away with a notion and 6 marvellous home grown eggs!!!!

It was easy to see how much better they were than good ole tesco's free range efforts.

Soooooooo the extensive research began!!!

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